Thursday, February 27, 2020

A dialogue Between two friends about the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Dialogue/

  A dialogue Between Dipto and Dibyo about the  Coronavirus.

Dipto : Hello Dibyo, How're you?
Dibyo : I 'm fine but I'm thinking about Coronavirus.
Dipto :What is coronavirus?
Dibyo :Nowadays, Coronavirus has become a world wide problem in the present world. Many people are suffered and died being affected by Coronavirus.The situation is increasing day by day.Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases
Dipto:  what should we do if we have symptoms?
Bibyo :Of course , We should go to the doctors and take advice.
Dipto :What are the symptoms of this coronavirus causes?
Dibyo :The virus can cause pneumonia. Those who have fallen ill are reported to suffer coughs, fever and breathing difficulties. In severe cases there can be organ failure,kidney failure and even death.. As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system. Many of those who have died were already in poor health.
Dipto :Is the virus being transmitted from one person to another?

Dibyo :China’s national health commission has confirmed human-to-human transmission, and there have been such transmissions elsewhere.
Dipto : How many people have been affected?

Dibyo : A recent survey of WHO has showed us that about 80,000 people affected  globally by Coronavirus. In mainland China there have been 2,663 deaths among 77,658 cases, mostly in the central province of Hubei. More than 12,000 people affected in China have already recovered.
Dipto :Is the outbreak a pandemic and should we panic?

Dibyo :No. A pandemic, in WHO terms, is “the worldwide spread of a disease”. The spread of the virus outside China is worrying but not an unexpected development. The WHO has declared the outbreak to be a public health emergency of international concern. The key issues are how transmissible this new coronavirus is between people, and what proportion become severely ill and end up in hospital. Often viruses that spread easily tend to have a milder impact. Generally, the coronavirus appears to be hitting older people hardest, with few cases in children.
Dipto : Thank you very much for your valuable information about the Coronavirus.
Dibyo : You're always welcome dear.

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