Friday, August 23, 2019

গল্প লেখার গল্প... / বাংলা সুশীল গল্প / বাংলা সামাজিক গল্প।

গল্প লেখার গল্প.....

লাল, নীল, হলুদ, সবুজ...নানা রঙ বেরঙ্গের স্মৃতির ভারে ভরা ঝাঁপীটা মাঝে মাঝেই একটু আধটু ঝাঁকি দেয়, নড়া চড়া করে। এলে বেলে স্মৃতিরা, আধা খেচরা গপ্পেরা সব জমা ওখানে।

ওই স্মৃতিদের, গপ্পদের, বেশ ঝাঁপীর বাইরে বেড়িয়ে একটু এদিক সেদিক যাওয়া, এর তার সাথে গল্প করার, বা চা বিস্কিট খাবার খায়েশ হয়। কিন্তু সে ইচ্ছে অঙ্কুরেই বিনষ্ট, সাজার জন্য কিছুই যে নেই! আরে না না, জামা জুতো চুড়ি ফিতে ওসব নয়! শব্দ, বাক্য এগুলো আর কি; যা দরকার ওদের।

বেরু করবার সময়, কোথায় যে পালিয়ে যান উনারা; মানে শব্দ, বাক্য এরা। পেটে বোম মারলেও বেরোয় না। বা কখনো কখনো বেড়িয়ে এলেও, হরতাল করে বসে থাকেন, কিছুতেই জায়গামতো বসবেনা। আরে হাতে হাত রেখে একটু মানব বন্ধন, থুক্কু শব্দ বন্ধন করলে যেন সব উল্টো হয়ে যাবে! এলোপাথাড়ি সব দাঁড়িয়ে থাকে, আবার দুষ্টু দুষ্টু পিত্তি জ্বালানো হাসি। কি যে ঝামেলা! মনে হয় দেই ধরে একটা! ধমক দিলেই হয়েছে, তখন শুরু হয় টুকি দেয়ার খেলা। এই এলোতো এই গেলো, এক শব্দকে বসাতে না বসাতে অন্যজন হাওয়া! কোথায়? কে জানে?

তবে অক্ষরেরাও কম জ্বালায় না! এখানে কি র না ড়, ন হবে না ণ, কি আর কী তো আছেই, ইকার নাকি ঈকার, উকার নাকি ঊকার, আর যুক্ত বর্নের কথা না বলাই ভাল, যাবতীয় নখড়া (কেজানে এই ইনার বানানটা ঠিক হয়েছে কিন?)!!

কোনরকমে কিছু বাক্যকে একসাথে দাঁড় করিয়ে, একটু দূর থেকে তাকালেই বোঝা যায়,- যা হয়েছে না! হাতের জায়গায় মাথা, মাথার জায়গায় পা...বিতিকিচ্ছিরি অবস্থা । হেঁইয়ো, হেঁইয়ো বলে এখান থেকে ওখান, ওখান থেকে সেখানে...বাক্যদের সরানো শুরু। তখন কিছু কিছু শব্দও বলতে শুরু করে, কেমন কেমন লাগছে বদলে দাও প্লীজ। হু, হু প্লীজও বলে মাঝে মাঝে।

এই কুস্তি করতে, এই স্মৃতি আর গপ্পোদের জামা বানাতে, অলংকার বানাতে এত সময় লাগে এত ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়ি, ওদের আর বাইরে বেড় হওয়া হয়না। ঘুপচি মেরে বসেই থাকে ঐ ঝাঁপীতে।

আমার গল্প লেখার গল্পটি ফুরালো, নটে গাছটি মুড়োলো। হবে গল্প লেখা অন্য কোনদিন!

credit goes to : Mrs Zohora Khat..  

Friday, August 9, 2019

write an application to your Headmaster/Headmistress/ principle of your school curricular activities.

# write an application to your Headmaster/Headmistress/ principle  of your school curricular activities.

Date :
The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ principal,
Ripon Biswas's English High School,
Subject: prayer for increasing  school's extra curricular activities.
Sir/ Madam,
We,the students of your renowned and famous school in our localit, beg to Inform you that our school is the best schools among others but it is a matter of regret that we have not get enough scope to express ourselves.we don’t get the chance to debate in English while other schools have the chance in big citie. We want to make a change to our  school's extra curricular activities. We want to take part in" Student Government,Academic Teams and Clubs,The Debate Team,The Arts,internships,Culture Clubs,Volunteer,Work and Community Service,the Student Newspaper.'We hopethat those activities will develop every student's capacity in each term.     

May we, therefore and pray you that you would be kind enough to permit us for increasing  school's extra curricular activities.
Your most obedient pupils
The students of Ripon Biswas's English High School,Brahmanbaria.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
Contact :
YouTube channel  :
Blogspot : 

Study tour paragraph / Excursion paragraph

A study tour / Excursion.   

Study tour/ Excursion  is an excellent way of relieving students from the monotonous studies for a certain period.  It is a part and parcel of our educational life. Study tour  helps to develop practical knowledge. Study tour gives us a better knowledge of different places of the world. It increases the horizon of our mind and broadens our outlook. Study  tour means earning knowledge by journey. It helps us to see the unseen, to know the unknown and to explore the new things. During the last winter vacation I and some of students planned to go to a study tour to Haripur Rajbari which is situated at Haripur union in Brahmanbaria District.  Some of the students, along with I, of our class went there.We were 50 students in number.  We went there with two of our class teachers such as Ripon Sir and Oly sir.Two luxurious buses were hired for this purpose. We started our journey at 6:30 a.m. from our school campus. We reached our destination at about 11: a.m. In the spot, we visited many ancient historical things.We saw natural sights, vast expanse of water of the Titas, waves of the river, many boats in the Titas bank. We became astonished to the natural scenery of the river and this old palace . We walked there for a long time.The palace is famous for its natural beauties and artistic pattern . We gathered practical knowledge observing those things of our traditional customs . We passed there six hours. We bathed in the water of the Titas, made a lot of fun and took snaps of us with different interesting things. We ate rice with special fish. The free movement in that place gave us much pleasure. Actually the tour was very important for taking fresh air and enjoyment and gathering practical knowledge.
Indeed, the day was very enjoyable and we gathered some new experiences from this.
It was really a memorable day in my life.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
Contact :
riponbiswas93@yahoo.costudies be channel  :
Blogspot :

A dialogue Between two friends Bismoy and Joy about the use and absue of mobile phone /merit and demerit / good and bad use of mobile phone.

A dialogue Between Bismoy and Joy about the use of mobile phone / merit and demerit / good and bad use of mobile phone.     

Joy: Good morning,Bismoy.
Bismoy : Good morning, Joy.
Joy : What is it in your hand?
Bismoy: It's a mobile phone.
Joy : Why do you use it?
Bismoy : It is very important for us. It is used for communication and entertainment. Really it has made our life easier and comfortable.It has reduced uncertainly doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. In fact, it has made our life easy and comfortable.It has made our global communication dynamic and faster.
Joy: Doesn't it have any demerit?
Bismoy : Yes, It is more injurious to children and pregnant women. It causes fatal diseasess. Sometimes criminals use it to commit crime.During conversation,the blood pressure may get high and the red blood cells may get affected.Besides, it causes a lot of harm to the teenagers. They can easily contact with their so called lovers in season and out of season.
Joy: All these are very true. Though we are getting immense benefits from it, we should use it with care and caution to avoid its demerits.
Bismoy : It has more merits than demerits.
Joy : I have to go now. Thank you very much.
Joy : You are most welcome.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
Contact :
YouTube channel  :
Blogspot :

A dialogue Between your friend and you about the benefit of watching and listening news on YouTube / Television. .

A dialogue Between Dipto and Dibyo about the benefit of watching and listening news.

Dipto:Hello Dibyo, how're you?
Dibyo:I'm fine and you?
Dipto: I'm aslo fine.Do you read,watch or listen news on newspaper or television?
Dibyo: sometimes. What about you?
Dipto : I'm very fond of any kind of news. News is important for a number of reasons within a society. Mainly to inform the public about events that are around them and may affect them. Often news is for entertainment purposes too; to provide a distraction of information about other places people are unable to get to or have little influence over.
Dibyo:What's the function of news?
Dipto:to inform, to interpret the news, to provide a service to readers, and to entertain. These functions explain what the newspaper does, and they are why people read it. Newspapers help readers become informed citizens and make better decisions by providing lots of facts.
Dibyo:Why should students read,watch or listen news on newspaper or television?
Dipto :Reading newspapers provides wide ranging benefits for everyone in general but especially for the students they remain the most invaluable source of news and information, despite the onslaught of the electronic media.Reading newspapers automatically improves one's language skills.
Dibyo: Can you inform me more about news?
Dipto:why not?It keeps you updated,
You acquire great political, economical, social etc. Understanding by reading diverse articles,
You develop a good understanding of the language in which newspaper is published,
You get to know how to write a piece of information formally, precisely, concisely and above all methodically,
You never hesitate in public to join their discussions as you will always be updated and have gained plenty of information,
You develop general awareness
Dibyo: thank you very much.
Dibpto: you're welcome.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
Contact :
YouTube channel  :
Blogspot :

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Write an application / an E-mail to your Headmaster / Headmistress / Principal for arranging / commencing a special English class.

The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ principal, Ripon Biswas's English High School, Brahmanbaria. Subject:Prayer for arranging special English Speaking classes. Sir/Madam, We,the students of your school, beg to inform you that we have seen that our students are struggling very much to make conversation in English with each other with correct pronunciation. English is not a mere knowledge . It is a global language . It is the perfect gateway for the employment. So we request you to commence Spoken English class as early as possible.we assure that our students will excel in all aspects through this Spoken English forum.If we learn English grammar and speaking skills in English, it shall help us to make a proper and perfect move to our future life as well as getting better job with vast and satisfied salaries. We can communicate with foreigners and can share ourselves and can know about their culture and life. We,therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to commence Spoken English class as early as possible for us. Your obediently The students of Ripon Biswas's English High School,Brahmanbaria. Prepared by Ripon Biswas English teacher. Contact : E-mail: YouTube channel : RipsRipon Blogspot

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

My dear subscribers and viewers,I am going to show you how to change Affirmative sentence to Negative. The part is related to Transformation of Sentence in English Grammar .             
Hey, I am Ripon Biswas and an English teache. I would like to share here grammatical points for you.