Friday, August 9, 2019

A dialogue Between your friend and you about the benefit of watching and listening news on YouTube / Television. .

A dialogue Between Dipto and Dibyo about the benefit of watching and listening news.

Dipto:Hello Dibyo, how're you?
Dibyo:I'm fine and you?
Dipto: I'm aslo fine.Do you read,watch or listen news on newspaper or television?
Dibyo: sometimes. What about you?
Dipto : I'm very fond of any kind of news. News is important for a number of reasons within a society. Mainly to inform the public about events that are around them and may affect them. Often news is for entertainment purposes too; to provide a distraction of information about other places people are unable to get to or have little influence over.
Dibyo:What's the function of news?
Dipto:to inform, to interpret the news, to provide a service to readers, and to entertain. These functions explain what the newspaper does, and they are why people read it. Newspapers help readers become informed citizens and make better decisions by providing lots of facts.
Dibyo:Why should students read,watch or listen news on newspaper or television?
Dipto :Reading newspapers provides wide ranging benefits for everyone in general but especially for the students they remain the most invaluable source of news and information, despite the onslaught of the electronic media.Reading newspapers automatically improves one's language skills.
Dibyo: Can you inform me more about news?
Dipto:why not?It keeps you updated,
You acquire great political, economical, social etc. Understanding by reading diverse articles,
You develop a good understanding of the language in which newspaper is published,
You get to know how to write a piece of information formally, precisely, concisely and above all methodically,
You never hesitate in public to join their discussions as you will always be updated and have gained plenty of information,
You develop general awareness
Dibyo: thank you very much.
Dibpto: you're welcome.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
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