Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assertive into Exclamatory / Assertive sentence কে Exclamatory sentence করার নিয়ম

Assertive into Exclamatory /  Assertive sentence কে Exclamatory sentence  করার নিয়ম।

Rule 1: কোন Assertive sentence কে Exclamatory করার সময়
a,প্রথমে What/How বসবে( যদি assertive sentence এ verb এর  পর Article a/an থাকে,তাহলে What  বসবে এবং a/an  না থাকলে How বসবে)
b, adjective +পরের word বসবে
c,Subject বসবে
 d,verb + বাকী অংশ( যদি থাকে)
e,Note of exclamation /আশ্চর্য বোধক চিহ্ন ! বসবে।
Note :Assertive sentence এ যদি very অথবা great থাকে, Exclamatory sentence এ রুপান্তর করার সময় very অথবা great উঠে যাবে।
Assertive - It is a very beautiful place.
Exclamatory – What a beautiful place it is!
Assertive – The man is very honest.
Exclamatory – How honest the man is!
Rule 2:
Assertive sentence এ যদি wish থাকে Exclamatory করার সময় শুরুতে Subject +wish উঠে গিয়ে if/had বসে +বাকি অংশ বসবে।
Assertive – I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Exclamatory – Had I the wings of bird!
Or, If I had the wings of a bird!
Assertive – I wish I were a king.
Exclamatory – If I were a king!
Assertive – I wish I were a player.
Exclamatory – If I were a player!
Rule 3:
Assertive sentence এ যদি desire থাকে, Exclamatory sentence করার সময় শুরুতে o that, oh that, ইত্যাদি বসে।
Assertive – I desire I were young again.
Exclamatory – Oh that I were young again.
Rule 4: Assertive sentence এ It is a matter of joy that থাকলে Exclamatory করার সময় It is a matter of joy that এর পরিবর্তে Hurrah বসবে +Note of exclamation /আশ্চর্য বোধক চিহ্ন ! বসবে+বাকি অংশ বসবে।
Assertive:It is a matter of joy that my brother has got the first prize in the race.
Exclamatory:Hurrah! my brother has got the first prize in the race.
Assertive:It is a matter of joy that I pass the examination.
Exclamatory :Hurrah ! I pass the examination.
Rule 5:  Assertive sentence এ It is a matter of sorrow that থাকলে Exclamatory করার সময় It is a matter of sorrow that এর পরিবর্তে Alas বসবে + Note of exclamation /আশ্চর্য বোধক চিহ্ন ! বসবে+বাকি অংশ বসবে।
Assertive:It is a matter of sorrow that my friend cannot do well in the examination.
Exclamatory: Alas! My friend cannot do well in the examination.
Assertive:It is a matter of sorrow that I lost my mobile.
Exclamatory :Alas! I lost my mobile.

Exclamatory to assertive
Rule 1:
Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে -
প্রথমে subject বসে + verb + a/an + very/great + adjective + বাকী অংশ।
Exclamatory – What a nice flower it is!
Assertive – It is a very nice flower.
Exclamatory – What a genius student he is!
Assertive – He is a very genius student.
Rule 2:
Hurrah যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
Hurrah এর পরিবর্তে it is a matter of joy + Hurrah এর পরের অংশ।
Exclamatory – Hurrah! We have won the game.
Assertive – It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.
Exclamatory – hurrah! I got the first prize.
Assertive – It is a matter of joy that I have got the first prize.
Rule 3:
If দ্বারা exclamatory sentence শুরু হলে উক্ত sentence কে Assertive করার নিয়ম –
Exclamatory – If I were a player!
Assertive – I wish I were a player.
Exclamatory – If I could fly!
Assertive – I wish I could fly
Rule 4:
প্রথমে had যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
Subject + wish + পুনরায় subject বসে + had + বাকী অংশ।
Exclamatory – Had I the pairs of birds!
Assertive – I wish I had the pairs of birds.
Exclamatory – Had I been a king!
Assertive – I wish I had been a king.
Rule 6:
প্রথমে Alas যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
Alas এর পরিবর্তে it is a matter of sorrow that + alas এর পরের অংশ।
Exclamatory – Alas! We lost the game!
Assertive – It is a matter of sorrow that we lost the game.
Exclamatory – Alas! He failed in the examination!
Assertive – It is a matter of sorrow that he failed in the examination.
Rule 7:
প্রথমে Fie যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
Fie এর পরিবর্তে it is shameful that + fie এর পরের অংশ।
Exclamatory - Fie! He can not tolerate the poor.
Assertive – It is shameful that he can not tolerate the poor.
Exclamatory - Fie! He don’t respect seniors.
Assertive – It is shameful that he don’t respect seniors.
Rule 8:
প্রথমে Would that যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
প্রদত্ত subject + wish + Would that এর পরের অংশ।
Exclamatory - Would that I could be a player!
Assertive – I wish I could be a player.
Exclamatory - Would that I could be a child again!
Assertive – I wish I could be a child again.
Rule 9:
প্রথমে o that যুক্ত Exclamatory কে Assertive এ করতে হলে –
Subject + wish + o that এর পরের অংশ।
Exclamatory – O that you were a cricketer!
Assertive – I wish you were a cricketer.
Exclamatory – O that i were a poet.
Assertive – I wish I were a poet.

Prepared by Ripon Biswas
English teacher.
Contact :

E-mail :riponbiswas93@yahoo.com
YouTube channel : Rips Ripon
Website : ripsbiswas.blogspot.com

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